Law Office of George B. Jones - George B. Jones

George B. Jones
Law Office of George B. Jones
638 W. Main Street
Lamoni, Iowa
USA 50140
Class Action
Legal de una Demanda
For more than 30 years I have represented clients in state and federal courts across the country. I am a small town lawyer with big city experience. I fight hard for my clients in every case. Whether you need a lawyer to help you recover for your injuries, or to prove your innocence, a lawyer who will use all the tools of a good defense to bargain with the state, or a lawyer who knows the law and can help you navigate the court system, you have my pledge to fight for you.
If you or a loved one has been injured in a car wreck, call me today! I have a first rate litigation support team. We will help you get every dime you deserve! My criminal law experience includes hundreds of trials, teaching criminal law courses at Graceland University, and training lawyers and judges throughout Latin America in criminal trial techniques. I also represent immigrants facing fraudulent document and other criminal charges–helping them minimize the risk of deportation. I help clients navigate the stressful legal proceedings surrounding divorce, child custody, and child support. Let me put my legal experience to work for you.
Hablo español con fluidez. Si usted no habla inglés, necesita un abogado que hable su idioma. Si usted es inmigrante, una condena penal puede provocar su deportación. Le doy mi palabra de que no se va a resolver su caso sin que usted entienda plenamente las posibles consecuencias migratorias.
Mi experiencia abarca treinta años de trabajo como abogado defensor en Iowa, Missouri, Alabama y Florida. He enseñado cursos de derecho penal y procedimiento penal en la Universidad de Graceland en el sur de Iowa. He trabajado con la American Bar Association Rule of Law Initiative, y di talleres sobre la práctica de pruebas para jueces, fiscales y abogados defensores en México, Panamá, Ecuador, El Salvador y Guatemala.
Mi práctica incluye la representación de clientes en casos de choques de autos, accidentes, cargos criminales, OWI/DUI, divorcios, custodia y mantención de hijos. Llame ya. Quiero ayudarle con todos los asuntos legales.